This Organic Maca Powder was grown at 3500 meters above sea level, in the Province of Junín, located in the Central Sierra of Peru. The roots are dug out by hand using a small hoe called a cashu, to prevent damage, then dried naturally in the sun.
It is rich in the essential amino acids and is active in regulating the secretions of endorphins and serotonin the happy hormones. It balances hormones, improves thyroid function and metabolism as well as being a natural antidepressant.
And increases energy, vitality and prevent adrenal fatigue. Maca is also referred to as Peruvian Ginseng and Peruvian Viagra because of its effects at boosting libido and improving sexual performance.
Maca is an adaptogen. Adaptogens are defined as “agents that support the body’s ability to accommodate varying physical and emotional stresses.” or “exerting a normalizing or balancing influence on the body.”
So all round it is a pretty AMAZING addition to your diet… especially as it tastes DELICIOUS as well.
Try maca, cacao, banana, coconut smoothie for a simply, yummy, dessert like shake.
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